Elz and the Cult - Sounds and Shadows

Sounds and Shadows podcast With Elz and The Cult.

Here we discuss the past and future of the Turkish underground scene, meeting heroes, German airport rescues, family, their new album, and upcoming Cold transmission tour. As well as plays great bands. You don’t want to miss this.


The Raws – Lovely Turkish Batcave Horror punk


ART DIKTATOR – Psyco disco like Abba but full of delicious pain


Etnik Sentetik – Hard Mean fast old school industrial mix with delicious 90’s dance sounds


The Count

I have been a part of the goth subculture since I was 16. I am the owner and creator of The Requiem Podcast which has been around since early 2008 and also podcast award nominee Cemetery Confessions. I am also known as DJ Count. I am married, and a father to a beautiful baby bat named Link.