The Madonna-whore Complex - Gothroplogy

Today, Brit-El M. hosted not a guest, but a myriad of ideas surrounding why we want what we want, what we think we want but don’t, dualistic obstructions including the Madonna-whore complex, her favorite thinkers, and more. Twenty-eight minutes of the haunting host and her mic.



Brit-El Mabourakh is the host of Gothropology, an anthropology-centric podcast with a Goth twist. A journalism major, Brit-El intends to continue broadcasting long after graduation. She is a scorpio, a Druid, and leans most towards Victorian Goth. Her primary interests are spirituality, ancient traditions, human sexuality, mortality and natural medicine- using food as medicine, herbal remedies, aromatherapy etc. She also makes soap and excitedly reads Tolkien in her spare time.